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                Aluminum curtain wall metal material processing and spraying
                4Surface treatment process
                Position:Home > Products > Aluminum sheet > Surface treatment process
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                The surface treatment technology of aluminum smallpox is mainly film coating, rolling coating and anodizing. The implementation methods and advantages of these processes are different. Coating is a physical process, one layer of film and one layer of aluminum plate is made by high temperature and high pressure pressing; roll coating is made of international standard aluminum hot-rolled high-quality aluminum alloy plate with 3 words as the base material, and is made by three coating and three drying rolling process; anodizing is to take the metal or alloy parts as anode, and make oxide film on its surface by electrolysis.

                (1) Film coating: film coating is a physical process, one layer of film and one layer of aluminum plate is made by high temperature and high pressure pressing.

                The advantages of the coating process are: 1. Anti oil smoke: made of PVC high light film, easy to clean. 2. Wear resistance: special pet layer, durable. 3. Moisture proof: the surface is coated with film, which reduces the direct contact between water and aluminum, and has strong durability. 4. Good touch: there is a film on the surface, which makes the touch smooth, which changes the cold and single feeling of metal material. 5. Many colors: available from a variety of colors. 6. The price is moderate and the price is good.

                (2) Roll coating: roll coating is made of the international standard aluminum hot-rolled high quality aluminum alloy plate with 3 words as the base material, and is made by pressing and pressing by three coating and three drying rolling coating process. 1. Health and environmental protection: adopt international standard aluminum as the base material, free from any harmful metal elements such as fault and tribute, and meet the international standards of the European Union. 2. Advanced nanotechnology is adopted to resist scraping, corrosion and oil pollution. 3. Decay resistance: color is not easy to change color for a long time. 4. Acid alkali 5. Powder resistance: the rolling coating process is even and delicate, which can effectively avoid the phenomenon of the surface pulverization of ceiling.

                (3) Anodizing: the advantages of anodizing process are: 1. Health and environmental protection: no trust, mercury, cadmium and other harmful metal elements 2. Scratch resistance and wear resistance: it can reach sapphire hardness 3. Fingerprint proof 4. Anti-corrosion 5. Self cleaning: antistatic, not easy to absorb dust and easy to clean. 6. Colorful: after many anodizing, the color is rich and the color is far from true. 7. Precision plate: 36 processes are carved in detail, and the surface concave convex texture effectively shield radiation.

                Application scope: Aluminum gusset is widely used in senior office buildings, offices, airports, stations, workshops, hospitals, clubs, banks, shopping malls, exhibition halls, etc.

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