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                Aluminum curtain wall metal material processing and spraying
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                What are the key indicators when purchasing aluminum profile

                What key indicators should we pay attention to when purchasing aluminum profiles for doors and windows? Zidong aluminum will explain to you:

                Look at the appearance quality of aluminum profiles for doors and windows: the surface of anodized profiles is not allowed to have electric burn, oxide film falling off and other defects that affect the use; the paint film of electrophoretic, powder and fluorocarbon profiles after painting should be uniform, clean and smooth, and no wrinkles, cracks, bubbles, flow marks, inclusions, paint film falling off and other defects that affect the use are allowed, but local no film is allowed within 80mm of the profile end .

                The appearance quality of aluminum alloy building profiles affects the architectural decoration effect, so the surface of the finished profiles must be covered with film to avoid scratch, bruise and corrosion during transportation and stacking. In the market, some aluminum alloy building profiles have the similar phenomenon of water lines and mildew spots, which reflects the defects in the production process.

                Second, the wall thickness: the wall thickness of the profile is one of the main factors affecting the strength of the workpiece, and the main profile is the stressed part in the project. For example, the small nominal wall thickness of the main profile of the outer window shall not be less than 1.4mm

                Third, film thickness: the surface corrosion resistance of extruded aluminum profiles for doors and windows is not strong, so surface treatment is necessary to increase the corrosion resistance, wear resistance and appearance beauty of aluminum profiles. The film thickness of anodized aluminum is divided into aa10, aa15, aa20 and aa25. The film thickness of electrophoretic painting aluminum is divided into a, B and S. the coating thickness of small parts on powder spraying aluminum decorative surface is more than or equal to 40um, and the coating thickness of fluorocarbon coating aluminum decorative surface is different due to different coating types. The average film thickness of the second coating is more than or equal to 30um, the average film thickness of the third coating is more than or equal to 40um, and the average film thickness of the fourth coating is more than or equal to 65um

                Fourth, look at the chemical composition and mechanical properties: the chemical composition and mechanical properties of aluminum profiles for doors and windows are different according to different brands and supply status. Customers should check them one by one according to the standard (contract).

                Fifth, look at the color and color difference: there are differences in color and color difference for different brands and supply status of alloys. It is suggested that the influence of color and color difference inconsistency on the building structure should be fully considered when selecting the qualified brand and supply state.

                Sixth, salt spray corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance, weatherability, mortar property and so on: These are important technical parameters of aluminum profiles for doors and windows, reflecting the performance of aluminum profiles for doors and windows.

                Zidong aluminum profile factory has professional production equipment, professional production technology, focusing on training high-quality talents. Because we pay attention to the door and window aluminum profile / industrial aluminum profile products are sold all over the country, and have a place in the market.

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